Another Country Production’s mission is to create a new standard of excellence in theater and film through an absolute commitment to diverse, innovative and multicultural work. Named for the James Baldwin novel that examines relationships across race and gender preference, we are committed to producing new and underrepresented voices and to being a catalyst for inclusion in Boston. In addition, our aesthetic for performance and writing is based on both the Meisner technique as well as the collaborative and improvisational techniques used in group theater, helping actors, directors and playwrights to define new relationships with each other and their community.
“Betrayal relies heavily on nuance and “what is not said is as important as what is,” according to Kaye. What makes this production work so well is the ability of this cast, trained in the Meisner technique, to convey as much, if not more, in their silences as they do when speaking their lines. Sitting only fifteen or twenty feet away, the audience can feel the heat or the chill emanating from the scene, as if sharing a glass of wine with Emma and Jerry or being a fly on the wall in the Venice hotel room. Reality TV pales in comparison. This is real life, too close for comfort.” -Nancy Grossman, Broadway World